The Refining Day 10: Who Do You Worship?

I’ve been watching and reading a lot related to atheism, agnosticism, and apologetics recently.

When engaging the claims of atheism/agnosticism, I often encounter the idea that religion is a cult that enslaves us to arbitrary rules and commands from an imaginary higher power.

Karl Marx referred to religion as the “opium of the masses.” Critics of religion for decades have claimed religion is simply a tool of the powerful few to control those beneath them. For them, religion equals slavery. Escaping religion is finding true freedom.

I have always found this claim interesting, because each individual I encounter, no matter if they are religious, “spiritual,” agnostic, or atheist, worships something. Whether that be money, status, sex, approval from others…the list goes on. We are all seeking to find meaning. We all place our worth in something.

And if that is not God, the human soul will cling to something else.

I could write on this subject more in depth, and I plan to, but for now, I will leave you with this: What do you worship? Who do you worship? And is it something that points beyond yourself? This materialistic world we live in? Is it something that will truly bring you fulfillment and joy? Or is it fleeting?

More on this subject to come.

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