Arise, Beloved


Originally posted January 6, 2019

I didn’t start this past year with a word, but if I had to shuffle one out from the bag of 2018, it would be “life.” This past year, I lived a more abundant life than I thought was possible. I broke down walls and stepped beyond boundaries that had kept me prisoner for too long. I untangled myself from lies that had been so intimately weaved in my mind and stepped into Truth, into a Light so blindingly bright and freeing. And I hope to continue to step further into the light and allow myself to breathe more freely in 2019. My word for this year is “Arise!” In Mark 5:41, Jesus raises a young girl from the dead simply by stating, “Talitha Koum,”--”Young girl, Arise!”

If He can raise a young girl from the dead, surely He can heal and restore the dead and wounded parts of my heart. Surely He can resurrect dreams that had been smothered by lies, insecurities, and fears. Surely He can use a broken human like me to bring His face to those who need to encounter his Love and Mercy and change the world through me in whatever ways He pleases.

Let this be the year of creating, reading, and writing. Of chasing the dreams my Creator has placed on my heart and not settling for a life lived beneath the pressures of lies and insecurities. Of more silence with God away from the chaos and more seeing God in the Chaos. Of more nights with my nose nuzzled in a book rather than in front of a screen. A year of living in confidence rooted in my identity in Christ.  

“Talitha Koum,” is a call the Lord whispers to each of our hearts every day. A call to live in His light rather than in darkness. A call to accept the Life He wants for each of us. So I leave you with this: How will you accept His call this year?

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